Frequently Asked Questions

We understand that you may have questions about how Timeliss can work for you. We want to ensure that you have a comfortable and meaningful experience, so if you have any other questions, please contact us below and we will reach you soon.

About Timeliss

1. What is Timeliss?

Timeliss is a set of services that assist with late life, emergency matters, and legacy preparation. We aim to tackle issues dealing with end-of-life that are important, but often difficult to approach.

The Timeliss Suite of Services include:

  • An online knowledge base to easily get information on late-life matters, including end-of-life preparations.
  • Our (currently private) community forum to ask burning questions among our community and experts on late-life matters.
  • Our stories magazine to open viewers to the topic of life, legacies and heritage.
  • A online platform for tributes to loved ones, personalized to individuals and communities, with functions and services important at later life and beyond.
  • A professional services aggregator of estate planning, caregiving, funerary and other related service providers.

Timeliss aims to cater to your needs at different points in life, helping to inform, plan and carry out wishes for the future.

2. Why use Timeliss?

Because life planning, although essential, has never been easy and hard to manage. It composes of many different aspects no single agent can help with over an extended period of time.

Timeliss brings these services and solutions together in a cohesive and thoughtful framework, so that you can take the first steps easily at any stage, and build a lasting and relevant plan to be carried out throughout life and beyond.

3. How do you accomplish helping people facing different challenges?

Timeliss offers a series of products and services to cater to different needs at different stages in life, aiming to:

  • Learn and understand about life and death
  • Take action by preparing well
  • Provide tools and services to take action in the later stages of life
4. Why should I care about my future?

Anyone that has faced with emergencies, tragedies and their own mortality have realized the importance of ensuring plans are in place during inevitable times of emergency and need. We all want to ensure that we and our loved ones are properly taken care of, and our wishes can be carried out.

Even so, the ways to accomplish this have always been lacking - there are many things to consider and do to prepare for everything. Timeliss offers a framework that will ensure you can manage many aspects of your future in a cohesive, thoughtful and effective manner, so that you and your family can have the peace of mind for the future.

5. Is Timeliss free to use?

Timeliss offers different products and services that have free tiers of use. Fees apply only to premium services should you require during use of the various products. No credit card is required, or charges are made until you choose to use premium services.

6. How safe are Timeliss's products?

We know that you are entrusting us with important personal information. Earning and keeping that trust to do that for you is paramount to us providing a valuable service to you.

It is important that we clearly define our mission to protect your data - you can find this information in our privacy policies, and contact us if you have more questions.

Timeliss Guide

7. What is Timeliss Guide?

Timeliss Guide is a one-stop resource guide to give you all the information you need to properly prepare for your future and emergencies.

8. What topics does the Timeliss Guide cover?

The information is categorized into topics useful at different stages of life, which are:

  • Planning Ahead
  • Health & Medical
  • Financial Matters
  • Legal Matters
  • Assistive Living
  • Personal Data
  • Life Legacy
  • Funeral Planning
  • Funeral Etiquette
  • Post-Death Matters
  • Grieving and Loss
  • Advice & Wisdom
9. How accurate is the information?

We gather publicly available information, and work with industry experts and advisors to provide you accurate information where we can.

We strive to ensure the information provided is up-to-date and relevant in each scenario. Should you find inaccuracies or have suggestions to improve on the information, please let us know at

10. Is the Timeliss Guide free for use?

Yes, the entire guide is free for use. Additional services to plan for your future are available at Timeliss Planner.

11. Which languages is Timeliss guide available for?

The Timeliss Guide is currently available in English.

12. I have information to contribute to the guide. How can I contribute?

We welcome the community to share information that can be valuable to others during times of need. Please reach us at with your information, and we will look to share your information accordingly.

13. Can I copy the content onto other sites?

The information on Timeliss Guide is for personal use only.

Timeliss Legacy

14. What is Timeliss Legacy?

Timeliss Legacy is an online network to showcase lives and legacies of loved ones - family, friends and cherished members of your community.

Timeliss Legacy is built around communities of families, groups, organizations and providers - it is customized to your community to pay tribute to people cherished in our lives.

Timeliss Legacy is designed with helping people preparing ahead of time, letting them prepare their own messages, and also offer functions for donations, privacy, and community sharing. Timeliss Planner strives to be the most effective and valuable way of paying tribute to important loved ones, that their memories be cherished forever.

15. Can I preplan a tribute?

Yes, Timeliss Legacy is well-suited for preparing memorials and tributes ahead of time. Please contact us or email us and we can help you get started.

16. Why can't I buy Timeliss Legacy?

Timeliss Legacy is offered primarily through community partners and service providers. For select countries, it is offered directly online with requirements for verification before publishing.

We aim to ensure that the content is authentic and genuine, and verify all records on Timeliss Legacy before they are published.

17. Can I use it to build my own family heritage?

Yes, Timeliss Legacy was created with communities in mind, and is suited for creating family heritage sites.

19. How can I personalize my website address and design?

Personalization is a paid service that will integrate your domain name/URL with the record. Please contact us if you require assistance to integrate your domain name.

Timeliss Planner

20. What is Timeliss Planner?

Timeliss Planner is a comprehensive portal to manage and take action on future events in life. These include:

  • Integration to other key services, such as CPF nominations
  • Information and comparison of other provider services
  • Ongoing management and updating of key information and contacts
  • Preparing instructions to be carried out in the future post-life
  • Monitoring and triggering of actions in future

Life planning requires many things, many of them you not even know about. Let Timeliss Planner guide you through, and make plans comfortably and your own pace.

21. There are too many things to plan for, where do I start?

Don't worry, Timeliss Planner is designed to guide you through the basics by setting up key information (such as important personal contacts) before showing you the options to tackle different aspects of planning for the future.

Each aspect is provided in a module, catered to your requirements and country, and will guide you through performing each action. You can stop and return at any time. Completed modules will be managed accordingly and you will be notified when changes or updates are needed, so that you do not have to constantly monitor your plans.


22. Why build Timeliss?

For many of us, our personal experiences saw the lack of help for people in times of need - information was spread everywhere, help was not always easy to find, and services were often expensive. All this happened while facing tragedy and emergencies that compounded the problems that left many lingering personal scars.

We felt there had to be a better way - a more thoughtful, cohesive and genuine way. Through our shared purpose, we aim to bring the best of humanity and technology to create solutions to problems before and after life, ensuring the wellbeing of loved ones, and continuing our human stories to live forever.

Timeliss is our journey to explore ideas and solutions to bring out the meaning of each and every life, and we look forward to you joining us on this journey.

23. How can I contribute?

We are grateful to have many that, through their personal experiences, want to share and contribute in making life planning a better experience for everyone. If you feel it is important and would also like to contribute your information, feedback or suggestions, please do contact us by email or below.

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